I get it!
Sure you're working 100% with your local board of health. You also want to trace contacts internally and contain the virus in real-time. I invite you to explore Tracive, our powerful, 1-click algorithm for tracking and identifying multi-level, inter-locking connections — as extensive as necessary — providing visual clarity while keeping your business open and customers safe.
Secret Weapon
Re: Deirdre Fernandes' "From campus, a lesson in controlling the virus"
While we applaud higher education's efforts in containing the spread of CoV-19, not one person quoted in Deirdre Fernandes' article mentioned the real secret weapon in containing the virus: "Contact Tracing." The article never mentioned the two words, and the author failed to recognize unsung heroes consisting of contact tracing teams at universities. These are disciplined, patient, energetic, and conscientious professionals who respond to every case among students and staff, using a colorful skill set of empathy, diplomacy, effective communication, and investigative instincts. Whether contact tracing managers are alerted at midday or in the wee hours, they're ready to serve the mission of the school often at the expense of attending to their social and family lives. Starting with the infected person as the root, they trace branches down to the many remote and close contacts as the leaves. Then comes the diligent work of managing all aspects of isolation/quarantine processes, while keeping the data organized and structured.

Contact tracing is the 24/7 effective nervous system that links together testing labs, school departments, Broad reporting, infected individuals, their families and contacts, to keep every classroom and campus humming, while minimizing institutional and communal risks. Testing alone is necessary but insufficient.

Supporting Your Contact Tracing Team
When the pressure rises exponentially, you'll love Tracive...
  • Delightful graphical interface
  • Immediate visualization of impact
  • No struggle to wrap one's head around the data
  • Easy window for managerial decisions to arrest the spread
  • Proactive reporting to board members
  • Beehive of multi-tracer teamwork
  • No more depressing spreadsheets or clunky tools
Encrypted platform for effective visual tracing
So much value with minimal effort...
  • Case information, close/remote contacts, affiliates, follow-up notes
  • Dynamic trace depth and lineage with drilldown action
  • Automated alerts about up-coming isolation/quarantine dates
  • Single-click export to PDF or Excel
  • Aggregates dashboard
Your data privacy and user confidentiality
Our interests are mutual...
  • Review our Terms of Service per GDPR and FERPA.
  • Your institution has a separate, private portal.
  • Your user data is protected with a strict confidentiality policy.
  • To maximize privacy, does not disclose names of Tracive's business customers.
Want to access a live demo,
or register for a Tracive account?

H E L,P @ T R A C I V E,. C,O M

(617) 957-7105
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Our privacy policy per GDPR and FERPA.
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© 2021 , Boston, Mass.